5 Ways Peer-Pods Can Benefit Your Relationships

relationships Jun 10, 2022

Peer-Pods improves all of your relationships starting with you. You learn effective ways of resolving your old trauma. You learn that acceptance heals.  You learn that Triggers are an opportunity to heal.  You learn to trust The Mystery as your Partner in the Flow. You learn that each of the 3 Roles teaches you valuable skills. Here are 5 ways that being in a Peer-Pod Personal Healing Team helps your relationships:

1) You learn effective strategies for resolving old trauma that perpetuates your Negative Avoidance Patterns, Addictions, and Limiting Beliefs. So, a bunch of the crazy, unconscious behavior dissolves and you do less harm to yourself and others. Reclaiming this unconscious energy enables you to be more present to yourself and others.

2) You learn that acceptance is the first step in healing. Week after week, in a safe & sacred space, with trusted friends, it is a lot easier to turn toward the painful experiences you have been avoiding. You become more loving and accepting of your shadow parts and so more accepting of others too.  

3) You learn that repressed experiences are projected onto others and circumstances as a way for you to begin to see them inside yourself.  When you work with those experiences that trigger you, as a way to find and resolve your repressed experiences, you get triggered a lot less, and compassion arises.  

As you realize that the whole sequence of events, repression, projection, and triggers, is designed to show us where we need acceptance and love and healing then the trigger is seen as a blessing and gift pointing you to a place within that needs healing attention. When you are triggered or another is triggered it is seen as an opportunity.  

4) Trust in The Mystery/unknown grows because you have a structured process that enables you to engage The Mystery in direct experiences that help you to heal and grow. Partnering with The Mystery becomes a real and beneficial alterative to the struggling ego agenda. You begin to trust life as you realize that you are supported by The Mystery. Your heart opens to engage life, yourself, and others. More presence and more heart engagement builds personal power.

5) Participating in a Peer-Pod Personal Healing Team gives you the opportunity to play one of three roles on any given Pod Call. Worker, Witness or Facilitator. Each has their own duties and provides a different perspective of the healing process.  

The Witness Posture enables you to hold unconditional regard for the experiences of others.  In this way others learn their t find their authentic voice. The role of Facilitation teaches the skills of following a step behind and others learn to heal themselves. The role of Worker develops the skill of personal courage to heal and transform through challenge. The Worker builds resilience.

Experience with these 3 Roles enables you to see what type of healing gesture is called for, in all the relationships in your life, and this gives you the ability and experience to step in more skillfully.


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